The intention of this Masters Project is to create Concept Art suitable for a 2D Platformer Game inspired by South Korean mythology with a focus on Creature Design.

Yong-Wang Tiger: Development

Above is a coloured version of the Yong-Wang (Dragon) Tiger, based upon a tiger prawn. From this painting, it is hard to see the scale. I will develop a key moment to show that this creature is quite small. Below is the development sheet showing my reference.

The artwork below (Kim, 2007) was inspiration for the way I presented the Yong-Wang Tiger. Shinwook Kim blends traditional and modern techniques. The artwork below was created by photographing fish, digitally manipulating the image and then printing it onto traditional lacquer paper called Ot-ji (옻지). More information about Kim's technique can be read here:

Kim, S. (2007) Two Korean Sturgeon [Print on lacquer tree paper]. Available at: (Accessed/downlaoded: 9 July 2014)