The intention of this Masters Project is to create Concept Art suitable for a 2D Platformer Game inspired by South Korean mythology with a focus on Creature Design.

Tokkaebi Tiger (Masked): Development

Above is a mock up for the Masked Tokkaebi Tiger. I like the direction I am taking where the creatures exist in a Korean folk painting (Min-Hwa) style world.

The presentation of the tiger above is a work in progress:

  • I think the tree needs more refinement. Where the tree branch obscures part of the sun doesn't look convincing at the moment.
  • The tail of the creature could be longer and curve around into the foreground of the image.
  • The format and crop of the layout may need changing too. Would a narrower crop suit the 'folk art' aesthetic? Is there too much empty space above the crouching creature?
  • The mask of the creature could be more convincing. Does it look like the creature just has a contrasting coloured face?

    Below is the development sheet for the Masked Tokkaebi Tiger. I was inspired by the creepy look of an Aye Aye. Also, I found a beautiful Korean kite based upon a Phoenix that inspired the tail of the creature.

    Below is a scroll painting from the Joseon dynasty (1392-1910). I would like to experiment with brushes to create a tree like the pine in the background. Also, close crop of the scroll painting is something I could try with my image above.

    Unknown Artist (late 1700s) Tiger Family [hanging scroll; ink and colour on paper]. Available at: 11 July 2014)