The intention of this Masters Project is to create Concept Art suitable for a 2D Platformer Game inspired by South Korean mythology with a focus on Creature Design.

Style Development: Week 1: Day 1

During my Masters Project, I will be producing daily gesture studies of felines. I will use this website which has a timed class-mode: I will do this exercise for at least 30 minutes a day in order to improve my knowledge of feline anatomy and to improve my digital drawing skills generally.

For Day 1 I have used a 'pencil' brush in Photoshop. I can see that I am weaker at the 30 second poses. I would like to develop a kind of 'mannikin frame' similar to that of Andrew Loomis, but for animals. I am also trying to concentrate on drawing 'forms' rather than 'shapes'. By this I mean that I am constructing the anatomy out of 3D forms rather than by defining an outline.

Loomis, A. (1943) Figure Drawing For All It's Worth. USA: Penguin Group: p.41